By Amy Kuepfer

Titus Logo-temp

Some of you never may have heard of Titus Women. Others of you may have heard that we are the women’s ministry at the Francis Asbury Society, but that is all you know. I knew very little about Titus Women before I came to work in the office in October 2014, but I soon learned that their number one passion is helping women know the joy of living in daily communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (How awesome is that?!) This passion gets practical through things like sharing resources, hosting Bible studies and retreats, supplying speakers for other events, and ultimately just doing life together. The name “Titus” comes from Titus 2:3–5 where Scripture instructs the older women to train the younger women by word and example. In a nutshell, Titus Women is about discipleship: allowing God to produce growth in us and passing on what we are learning to others! I think every Christian woman desires to live in this reality!

There have been ways in which I have grown in my own life since coming to work at Titus Women. One of these ways is in my prayer life. One of the values that has been passed down to me is to read the Word before prayer. In reading the Word first, my perspective on my prayer list often changes. I’ve also learned the value of praying with a friend on a regular basis. (Do you know how refreshing it is to pray every week with a close friend?!) Recently, the friend I pray with each week left a voicemail to encourage me. She said: I just want to give you an extra blessing and encourage you. I am so inspired by your focus on Scripture and the power of praying Scripture. It inspires me! I want to call every week just to have you pray for me because I know your prayers are powerful. As I listened, I couldn’t help but think of the women who taught me how to pray Scripture. I realized this is the essence of what happens here at Titus Women. We allow God to teach us more about him, and we pass on that good knowledge to others.

If you are a woman reading this, you just now may have realized that you are a Titus Woman! It’s that simple! There is no formal process to become a part of Titus Women. We are a network of women who love Jesus and want to share his goodness! Welcome!

If you are looking for ways to grow, especially in the area of prayer, I want to recommend a few prayer resources in which we are passing on what we have learned. Click here for information on how to get started. If you would like to learn more about praying Scripture, email for a free copy of the pamphlet, “Scripture-Based Prayers.”

2 thoughts on “What Is Titus Women?

  • May 31, 2016 at 7:37 pm

    You wrote a Great article!! Thank you for sending me th Titus Women newsletter! You are such a blessing! I hope to meet you in person soon! Suzanne


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