Bible Study Resources

The following Bible study resources are available for you to use in your personal or group study. Please feel free to print and distribute these resources free of charge. We only request you don’t sell the materials. We would love to hear from you and how we can be praying for you. Please email us at

James: An Inductive Bible Study

Inductive Bible Study Handout to Use with Any Book

Other Questions to Accompany James

Exodus: Free to Be His

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36)Jesus offers you freedom for you past, your present, your future, and all eternity. And so scripture tells us. But what does the freedom Jesus gives look like in your life? The people of God were freed from 430 years of slavery in Egypt. From the time God works his mighty hand to bring them out, they are led on a journey into the freedom he has won for them as his own beloved people. The book of Exodus gives us an exciting, inside view of God’s passionate heart for his people and their struggle to understand what it means to be free in his love.As we walk with the newly freed Israelites through their experiences and examine them alongside some New Testament passages, we hope we will see some truths which will help us to receive the freedom that Christ has won for us, and to be led by him as his own beloved people.

Free to Be His – Handouts

2 Corinthians: The Struggle and the Glory

The Father’s love for us changes everything. Home has changed, our family roots have changed, and when we believe who we are to God—his beloved, adopted children, born of the Spirit—our hearts are transformed. What we possess, where we came from, what we are good at, what we have achieved, and what kind of earthly family we have are no longer the end of all we are. But how can we live in this world that is so daily, while setting our hearts on what lasts forever, what we cannot easily see? How can we live as people who belong to Jesus the King instead of the kingdom of this world?  Jesus said, “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world” (John 15:19). If he has chosen us out of the world, why are we so good at just living as though the world is our home? We would love our new identity to include all victory and no struggle, all comfort and no pain, but that is not what we are promised. Jesus also said  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).The church in Corinth, who received this letter first, experienced many of the same challenges we do. They lived in a place where every kind of god was worshipped and living to please yourself was the popular way. As you will see, 2 Corinthians paints gritty, real-life pictures of precisely what Jesus says: we will have trouble here, but we can live for the one who has ultimately overcome the world and look forward to being home with Jesus for eternity. Again and again you will see that living between the struggle and the glory, living today with our eyes on eternity, is not only about ourselves but also about how Jesus, the suffering Savior, gives himself to the world.

The Struggle and the Glory – Handouts

A Lifestyle of Bowing Down

What if my eyes were more on him and what he can do than on myself? What if I can bring all my needs to the Father knowing he cares for me, but he can lift me higher than that place of survival or living for self to truly live for him. What if the homes, the schools, the work-places, and the streets where we live become extensions of his throne room, where we seek his loving face and invite him to reign by our love, by laying down our desires and carrying the people around us to his throne? What if we allowed the red carpet of his royalty to be rolled out into every corner of our lives so that we are constantly aware that we are loved by a mighty King who reigns, serving one who is higher than any other power or authority in our world? This is exactly what Jesus longs to do in our lives by his Holy Spirit with us and in us, and it leads to radical transformation if we welcome him. This series of Bible encounters looks at images in God’s salvation story from Genesis through to Revelation. It looks personally and practically at what it means to live a lifestyle of bowing down as well as points to the great love story of God’s patient and painful determination to save us and bring us to his feet.

A Lifestyle of Bowing Down – Handouts

The Lord’s Prayer: Into His Heart

I see people looking all over to find out how to pray, what to pray, and which words to use. Often we look for books, listen to speakers, and try to copy other people. None of these are bad in and of themselves if they are based on God’s word in the Bible, but we must go first to Jesus. Not only does he want to teach us to pray but also he is waiting and longing for us to receive the truth of all that he has done so that we can know God fully, live in his power, and join him in his purposes for the world. In this series, we are going to look together at the fullness of God’s purpose for us in scripture through the lens of The Lord’s Prayer. That may sound a little ambitious and maybe too big to comprehend, but things that are ambitious and too big to comprehend can be awesome, life-changing experiences. I think this is a journey of discovery that is taken by few, but needed by all of us. It may be risky in parts as we come honestly looking for what is really there, instead of being comfortable with our own impressions and spiritual habits. Along the way, we may find old wounds that need healing, misunderstandings and thought patterns that need transforming, or abandoned invitations that we have never answered, to know God and go with him into the world. I pray that you will allow Jesus to take you by the hand and lead you further and higher in his life-giving truth for you. My hope is that we will walk step by step through every part of The Lord’s Prayer and as we hear and respond to God’s Word, he will lead us deeper and deeper into his heart.

Into His Heart – Handouts