By Amy Kuepfer Some of you never may have heard of Titus Women. Others of you may have heard that we are the women’s ministry
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Scripture reading: Acts 9:1–22 About Noon on the Road to Damascus As I drew near to Damascus, about noon a great light from heaven suddenly
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Scripture reading: Isaiah 5:1–7 A Troubling Dream When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3) I dreamed a dream1
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Scripture reading: Matthew 6:25–34 Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There! Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46) Growing up in a
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Scripture reading: II Corinthians 12:1–10 Thank God for Unanswered Prayer I had it in my heart to build a house . . . for the
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Scripture reading: I Kings 18:1–40 You Know You Need a Revival When . . . Then the fire of the Lord fell . . .
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Scripture reading: Micah 6:6–8 Holey Wholly Holy But the high places were not taken out of Israel. Nevertheless, the heart of Asa was wholly true
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Scripture reading: I Thessalonians 5:1–11 What If It Were Today? It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has
Sucre Responds! (May 6-9, 2016)
By David Harriman God’s visitation in the city of Sucre, Bolivia, was absolutely beautiful! The ministry there was an outdoor evangelistic music festival to reach young
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Scripture reading: Genesis 32:22–32 The Mark of the Spirit In the last days . . . I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,