Scripture reading: Jeremiah 18:1–13
Too Hard for God?
Is anything too hard for the Lord? (Genesis 18:14)
Is anything too hard for God?
Perhaps you think my question odd,
But listen and I think you’ll see
The cause of my perplexity.
I do not doubt that God alone Can speak a word,
and from his throne
The universe is set in place,
And stars are hung in empty space.
‘Twas easy to create the sun:
He spoke the word—and it was done!
Miracles, signs and wonders too
It seems there’s nothing God can’t do!
But saving souls like you and me
Reveals a deeper mystery:
For all the powers in heaven above
Can never force a heart to love.
Deep within my soul I see
A kingdom that belongs to me,
Where I am sovereign, I decide,
And even God can’t come inside!
If I were destined by decree
Created so I’d bow the knee,
Then like a robot I’d obey . . .
No! God must find another way!
To melt my selfish heart of stone
The Mighty One gave up his throne
And came to die upon a tree
In hopes that love would conquer me.
For even God will never force
A sinful man to change his course
Until he opens wide his heart
And let God’s grace fill every part.
Is there nothing God can’t do?
I leave the answer up to you. Your response, this very hour,
Will demonstrate his sovereign power.
The one thing truly ours is our will. And it is of this which God is
jealous, because he has given it to us, not for us to keep and to stay in charge of, but really to give back wholly to him. —François Fénelon
point to ponder • Why didn’t God create us as pre-programmed robots?
Prayer focus • Thankfulness for God’s love and grace that washes us clean!