Scripture reading: Deuteronomy 30:1–10

Whole-hearted or Hole-hearted?

Because they have not followed me wholeheartedly, not one of the
men who came up out of Egypt will see the land I promised on oath
to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—not one except Caleb . . . and Joshua
. . . for they followed the Lord wholeheartedly. (Numbers 32:11–12)

A nasty rumor is going around, and it is my goal to squelch it! It seems many in the church today have been led to believe that one can be a follower of Jesus Christ without being fully devoted. Do you buy into this rumor? Can you make only a partial surrender to Christ and simultaneously sing It Is Well With My Soul? Does Jesus’ demand of the rich young ruler (sell all that you have and follow me) not apply to you? Pews in American churches are filled with people who sit content in pious sentimentality, imagining that they are spiritually secure when in reality they are hanging by a slender thread over the pit of hell.

This rumor needs to be exposed for the damnable lie that it is. Any church or ministry that spreads such false doctrine promotes a false sense of security among those who are, in reality, on the road to ruin. Surrendering some of one’s life to the Master is not enough. And even those who give him most of their lives fall short of what the Gospel requires. Jesus gave his all, and he demands nothing less in return. His call to discipleship is unequivocal: Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple (Luke 14:33).

The Old Testament tells the tragic story of how God’s people, though redeemed from Egyptian bondage, never entered the Promised Land where their inheritance lay. They wasted their lives doing laps in the wilderness. They had enough faith to get out of Egypt but not enough to get into Canaan. Why? Because they did not follow the Lord with all their hearts. Out of two million people, only Caleb and Joshua crossed over into their inheritance. What made these two different? They followed God wholeheartedly.

Dear friend, if you find yourself stuck doing laps in the wilderness; if you had enough faith to get out of Egypt but not enough to get into the life of victory; if your walk with Christ is one of spiritual mediocrity, let me suggest the reason why: partial commitment, incomplete surrender, a divided heart, double-mindedness.

Don’t trust in a rumor; only the truth of the Gospel will set you free to be and do all that God created you to be and do. You cannot call him Lord if you refuse to do what he says. Jesus is Lord of all or he will not be Lord at all! Today is the day. Now is the time. Get unstuck. Give God all your heart. For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His (II Chronicles 16:9. NASB).

Now, go possess your inheritance!

A religion which costs nothing is worth nothing.
—J. C. Ryle

point to ponder • Does your church preach that one can be partially committed to Jesus Christ and yet be secure in his/her salvation?

prayer focus • The one who thinks partial commitment is enough.

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