Scripture reading: Exodus 25:1–9

Fill This Place

As soon as Solomon finished his prayer, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. (II Chronicles 7:1)

While serving a pastor of a church in Albany, New York, we had the joy of building a new sanctuary. In anticipation of our first Sunday in the beautiful new building on June 2, 2002, I wrote the following poem, expressing our desire that this new place of worship be filled with the glory of God!

Fill this place
With your grace
So as we gather here in your Name;
We will meet You in power
In this holy hour,
And never again be the same.
May this room
Be a womb
Where children of God come to birth;
Then nurtured and fed,
Anointed and led,
We go forth to transform the earth.
On these pews
Help us choose
What is holy and righteous and true;
And come dwell within,
Defeating all sin,
As we model our lives after You.
May we all
Hear the call
Of the millions today who are lost;
And give us the nerve
To love and to serve,
Like Jesus, not counting the cost.
Let our walk
Match our talk
When we get up and walk out the door;
Sent forth on a mission
Of holy ambition
To follow the One we adore.

Went to church today and was not greatly impressed.
—Robert Louis Stevenson (in his journal)

point to ponder • When your church gathers for worship is it obvious that God is present?

prayer focus • Your church and its Sunday morning worship services.

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