Scripture reading: Mark 10:17–31
God Owns My Business
The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:45)
If you have ever taken Interstate 75 through Lima, Ohio, you have undoubtedly noticed the words on the side of the large building that houses U.S. Plastic Corporation: CHRIST IS THE ANSWER. The letters are so large and conspicuous, they are impossible to miss.
Stanley Tam built this successful corporate empire. An entrepreneur, Tam learned early that he had the gift of making money and built his industry from scratch. As a committed Christian, one of his earliest business decisions was to make God his senior partner in the corporation. Literally! He went to a local lawyer to have the papers drawn up but the lawyer refused, telling Stanley he was crazy! So he found another lawyer who agreed to write up the partnership. This meant that 51% of the corporate profits would go to missionary and church work. But a few years later in 1955, after taking a short term missions trip to Colombia, South America, Stanley believed that God was calling for an even more radical step of faith.
“What are you asking me to do, Lord?” I prayed silently. “Stanley, if you agree a soul is the greatest value in the whole world and is the only investment you can make in this life that will pay dividends throughout eternity . . . would you be willing to go back to Ohio and become an employee of Mine?” “An employee, Lord? Isn’t that what I am now?” “We’re partners now, Stanley. I want you to turn your entire business over to me!” I was stunned. It was beyond anything I had ever considered. I managed to pray, “If this is what you want, I will obey.”
Arriving back in Lima, Ohio, Stanley took the steps necessary to make God the owner of U.S. Plastic Corporation. Then he decided that if God was truly the owner, he should make room to expand! Immediately Stanley made plans to build a new plant 4X larger than the old one. The building would be built on a curve on Interstate 75 so he could write a message on the side of the factory for everyone to see! CHRIST IS THE ANSWER.
Since that time Stanley and his wife Juanita have received only a modest salary from
- Plastics. He doesn’t even own stock in his own company. And God’s company has prospered. U.S. Plastics has made millions, and the profits are channeled into a foundation that gives well over a million dollars each year to the Lord’s work!
In his twilight years, Stanley Tam has had three goals he hopes to accomplish before he dies:
,. To talk to one million people about Christ.
,. To see one year in which $2 million is given to missions. The best year so far has been $1.7 million.
,. To see three people a day commit their lives to Christ through his various business mailings.
Just when you feel you are making progress in Christian discipleship, God has a way of introducing someone like a Stanley Tam who suddenly raises the bar.
Earn as much as you can.
Save as much as you can.
Invest as much as you can.
Give as much as you can.
—John Wesley
point to ponder • Do you work for God, or does God work for you?
prayer focus • Someone you know who is wealthy.