Scripture reading: Isaiah 1:10–20

Toxic Church

A Personal Paraphrase of Jeremiah 7:1–29


This is what the Lord said to his servant Jeremiah: “I want you to preach this sermon in the church parking lot, Jeremiah. Stand outside near the main entrance to the sanctuary. And as people walk through the doors to worship me, give them this message. Don’t hold back. Give it to them straight.  Whether they listen or not just keep preaching. This is what I want you to say:

‘Hear the word of the Lord, all of you. Change your ways; reform your behavior!  You keep saying, “I go to church, I go to church, I go to church.” Hello!  Church attendance never saved anyone! Before you go inside, let me remind you of the kind of worship that truly pleases God. Be honest in your business dealings.  Remember the refugees and the homeless in your midst. Take care of children without parents and women without husbands. Treat your employees fairly.  And stop supporting the violence, immorality and idolatry that is destroying our nation. That is the worship God is looking for.

But instead you steal and murder. You sleep around, use foul language, tell lies, and serve other gods. Then you come to church and sing your little praise choruses.  You pretend that all is well between you and God yet nothing has changed. You go home from church and do the same evil deeds again and again. This is no church.  It’s a gangster hideout. And you’ve come here to hide! You imagine that here, in the sanctuary, no one will be able to see who you really are. You think that here not even God knows the truth about you! Don’t be so dumb. You can’t hide from God.

I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you take a vacation. Yeah, why don’t you visit the land of Turkey where the legendary seven churches of Asia once flourished. See the land where revival fire once burned bright. In the first century, God blessed that land and the churches there were vibrant and strong. But today, tourists can only see the ruins! When those people turned their backs on God, he cast them out of his sight. And he will do the same thing to this church, to this nation, to you and your families . . . if you don’t change your ways!

So come on in. Worship is about to begin. Sing your songs, say your prayers, put your money in the plate. Won’t God be pleased with you! You know better than this. He doesn’t want your offerings; he wants you! Don’t you remember the covenant God made with you when you first put your trust in him? “If you trust in me and obey my voice, then I will be your God and you will be my people. Just follow my directions and all will be well.” But you haven’t obeyed. You have chosen to follow your own stubborn desires. Yet you keep coming to church, pretending that all is well. You’re stuck in reverse. The whole lot of you are perpetual backsliders!

It’s not that God hasn’t been patient with you. He sent you preachers and prophets time after time. They spoke the truth to you. But you didn’t listen to them then . . . and you are listening to me now. So I’m here to tell you that time has run out. In days to come this is what historians will say about you: ‘This is the generation that refused to obey God. This is the generation on which the Lord turned his back.  Yes, it was during the lifetime of these people that truth perished.’”

In the splendid palace chapel a stately court

preacher . . . advances before an elite circle of

fashionable and cultivated people and preaches

emotionally on the text of the Apostle, ‘God chose

the lowly and despised’—and nobody laughs!

—Søren Kierkegaard


point to ponder Churches can be very dangerous places for your spiritual health.

prayer focus Your church.

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