Scripture reading: I Corinthians 1:18–31

The Loss of the Cross

For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom,

lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. (I Corinthians 1:17)


On a hill far away Near a major highway

Stands a church all aglow with success.

And the thing I like most (You must pardon my boast),

I can go with no sins to confess!


So I’ll cherish this gospel of wealth, How it pampers me, makes me feel good.

And it promises blessings and health, Without needing a Man nailed to wood.


And on top of this church Like a crow on its perch,

Shines the symbol of what’s preached inside.

Though the form is a cross The message is lost

All covered with greed and with pride.


This new gospel I hold Offering silver and gold,

Has a wondrous attraction for me.

For now my new creed Fully sanctifies greed

And blesses my prosperity.


When I go to the mall My god is on call

To grant me my every request.

For the reason I pray Is to get my own way,

And decide for myself what is best!

So I’ll cherish this gospel for me, Till my trophies at last I possess. When I die then I truly will see, The results of this faith I profess.


For those who would weep For the sins of the sheep

And grieve for a world lost in sin; They will notice the loss

Of the old rugged cross, And pray, “Lord, revive us again!”



No thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory;

no cross, no crown.—William Penn


point to ponder There are two crosses in the Gospel: one is for Jesus and one is for you.

prayer focus For your pastor, that he would preach the cross.

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