Scripture reading: Acts 2:37–41
Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)
I met a man the other day Who asked me if I knew the way
To Syracuse.
He had a map and had a car, And told me he had traveled far Without success.
“I’m tired and filled with consternation, I can’t reach my destination!
Can you help?”
I smiled and touched his trembling hand And tried to help him understand
His lost condition.
“I know what’s wrong, for don’t you see The same mistake was made by me, Some years ago.
I too was trying hard to find My own direction, peace of mind,
To no avail.”
“Your problem, sir, is plain and clear, If you have an ear to hear
And humbly listen.
You’ll only reach your destination When you make a full rotation; Turn around!
The road is right but you are wrong For you have traveled all along
In the wrong direction!”
At first, he gave a sheepish grin, And asked for me to say again,
What I had told him.
“The road is right, the way is wrong!” I prayed my words were not too strong,
Or condescending. “Do not give up in despair;
Just turn around, and travel where Your back was facing.”
He paused, then turned his little car around And drove away, I heard the sound
Of tires screeching.
Now he fully understood! O it felt so very good
To have direction!
As I watched him drive away
I prayed for friends who’d lost their way, To make a U-turn.
No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in,
and make no effort to escape from. —George Eliot, in Daniel Deronda
point to ponder • Can you remember when you first turned around?
prayer focus • As you think on and remember the road you have traveled, pray for someone you know who needs the direction to turn around.