Scripture reading: Deuteronomy 32:1–47
The Slippery Slope
They are a nation without sense. . . . If only they were wise and would understand this and discern what their end will be! (Deuteronomy 32:28–29)
Moses’ hope, before he died, was for God’s people to remember the past and anticipate the future. So he wrote a song for the people of Israel to sing for generations to come (see Deuteronomy 32). It wasn’t just for Israel, however. The Song of Moses is a reminder to all nations everywhere of the blessings that come to those who trust in God and the destruction that comes to those who don’t.
Jeshurun (Israel) grew fat and kicked;
Filled with food, he became heavy and sleek. He abandoned the God who made him
And rejected the Rock his Savior . . . The Lord saw this and rejected them . . .
“I will hide my face from them,” (God) said,
“And see what their end will be . . .” (vv. 15, 19–20)
History is littered with the ruins of once great civilizations that prove the truth of Moses’ song. From ancient Greece and Rome to the Soviet Union, nations that ignored God and refused to submit to his laws invariably found themselves on the slippery slope to oblivion. This is not just true because it’s in the Bible. It’s in the Bible because it’s true!
In his book When Nations Die, Jim Nelson Black identifies ten warning signs that indicate a culture in crisis. These symptoms of cultural dysfunction are clear warnings that the foundations are crumbling and time is running out. In sufficient combination, they announce that a civilization is on the eve of destruction.
,. An increase in lawlessness throughout the culture.
,. The loss of economic discipline and self-restraint.
,. Rising bureaucracy, government regulation, and taxes.
,. A decline in the quality and relevance of education.
,. A weakening of the foundational principles that contributed to the greatness of the nation.
,. A loss of respect for traditions.
,. An increase in materialism.
,. A rise in immorality.
,. The decay of religious belief and the lure of alien gods.
,. A decline in the value of human life.
Sound familiar? Thankfully, the Bible contains more than warnings of coming judgment. More importantly, it tells us how we can reverse the curse and discover again God’s favor. It’s late. But it’s not too late. America still has time to escape the inevitable fate that comes to all nations that turn their back on God. Government cannot save us. Only God can rescue us from the slippery slope that leads to judgment.
II Chronicles 7:14 explains how it works: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late—and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work.
—A. W. Tozer
point to ponder • Is God’s judgment on this nation inevitable? Take a few moments to think of ways the Bible tells us we can “reverse the curse.”
prayer focus • Look over the list above. Pray over one or two (or a few!) “cultural dysfunctions” that might be influencing you.