Scripture reading: Psalm 73
When Things Just Don’t Make Sense
A Personal Paraphrase of Psalm 73
God is good. And if we trust him and keep our hearts clean, he will reward us. Right? That’s what I always thought. But one day my simplistic theology was tested to the core and I nearly lost all faith in God.
Let me tell you my story.
It all started when I began to focus on the lives of the unbelievers around me. They didn’t trust in God and lived only for selfish pleasures. I thought God would punish those pagans, give them what they deserved. But no. Those rascals were happy and prosperous. God didn’t send judgment on them. He sent blessings! They were not burdened with worries and cares. They didn’t even try to obey God’s laws or do his will. The worst part was how they laughed at me, making fun of how miserable my life was . . . me, a believer!
Lord, I just don’t get it! Unbelievers are healthy, wealthy and happy while those of us who trust you and seek to obey you suffer want and pain. This makes no sense. I’ve tried so hard to live for you, Lord, and to keep myself pure from the sinful attractions of this world. But I have to ask: is it worth it? Why, Lord? Why do those who reject you seem so happy? Why do the wicked prosper? And why do the righteous suffer?
Yeah, I almost threw in the towel. I was on the verge of giving up on this faith-in- God stuff when I decided to go to church one Sunday. And during worship some- thing happened. God gave me a glimpse of the future! I realized that those who ignore God may seem happy now, but they are on slippery ground. They live only for today and its pleasures rather than tomorrow and its joys. In the twinkling of an eye they will lose everything. Then their fantasy world will crumble as they face an eternity of torment. It will be sheer panic for them in that terrible day.
So that’s my story. I was pretty messed up, confused, depressed, and full of doubts. But thank God for that worship service when he opened my eyes. No, my outward circumstances have not changed, but my heart has: I’m at peace.
Lord, you are enough! You are all that I have. You are all that I need. But best of all, you are all that I want . . . in heaven and on earth! Today you hold my hand and guide my steps. Tomorrow you will take me to glory! If I owned the world but didn’t have you, I’d be a pauper. But if I lived in abject poverty but had you in my life, I’d be rich indeed! So Lord, if those doubts return, please take me back to that place of worship where you opened my eyes. I have you. That is enough.
Even Teresa of Avila, when thrown off her carriage . . . and deposited in a mud puddle,
questioned God. He answered her, “This is how I treat all my friends.” Her tart reply was,
“Then, Lord, it is not surprising that you have so few.” Even saints do not smile
sweetly when God throws them into mud puddles. Only pigs do that.—Peter Kreeft
point to ponder • If I possessed nothing except God, I would be fabulously wealthy. If I were a multimillionaire but didn’t have God, I would be a pauper.
prayer focus • Someone who is about to give up on faith because life just doesn’t make sense.