Scripture reading: James 1:22–25

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! (Psalm 139:23–24)

Of all the amazing things that God has created, few are more marvelous than the eye. The retina, cornea, iris, lens, rods and cones, optic nerve, ability to blink, lubrication, the fact that we have two of them, etc. What a marvel! With these amazing instruments we can potentially see everything in the entire universe. Well, almost everything. There is one thing we can’t see: ourselves.

Think about this. God has created you so that you can carefully scrutinize every- thing except yourself. Without help, you simply can’t see yourself. It takes a mirror or photograph or a friend’s verbal description to enable you to understand what you look like. Why would God make us like this? Why would he give us the amazing capacity to see everything in the universe except ourselves? Why would he create a world in which I can see you and you can see me, but I simply cannot see myself? Socrates understood the importance of this question when he famously said, “Know thyself.” But how? The one thing I so want to understand (me) is the one thing I cannot see!

Let me ask another question. Can God see himself? How does God know him- self? Though God is one, he exists eternally in three persons. This means that the Father knows the Son who knows the Spirit who knows the Father, etc. As a tri- unity of three persons, God knows himself only through the relationships within his being. Because we are created in his image, could it be that we can only know ourselves in a similar manner?

Self-knowledge requires more than a self! To know myself I need others to serve as a mirror to show me a reflection of who I truly am. But where can such a mirror be found? I’m so glad you asked! God has given us at least three “mirrors” to better enable us to truly see ourselves as really really are.

,. The Bible. God’s Word is like a mirror (James 1:22–25). It tells us the sober truth about who we really are and what Christ can really do. When I open the Bible I have the privilege of seeing myself as I truly am.

,. The Holy Spirit. Jesus sent the Spirit into our hearts to help us see the sin, righteousness and judgment in ourselves (John 16:7–11). When I walk in the Spirit he is faithful to reveal things about myself I could have never otherwise known.

,. Brothers and sisters in Christ. My Christian family and friends see me far better than I see myself. If only I had the courage to ask them to tell me what they see. When we transparently confess our sins to one another (James 5:16), we begin to get a true glimpse of whom we really are.


Thank God for the mirrors he has given us. But they are helpful only when we use them. So, go ahead, take a hard look at yourself. As with any mirror, it takes courage to use it! But the labor is well worth the effort. God wants you to discover who you truly are so that he can show you what, by grace, you can become!


Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

—King Solomon (Proverbs 26:12)


point to ponder The only way to know myself is to know God.


prayer focus Courage to look in the mirror.

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