Scripture reading: II Chronicles 7:11–14

A Prayer for Revival

Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away your indignation toward us! Will you be angry with us forever? Will you prolong your anger to all generations? Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? (Psalm 85:4–6)


Lord I long to see the day When your Spirit has full sway In our stony hearts.

Let the Spirit and the blood Fill us like a holy flood Cleansing all the parts.

Lord I long to see the hour When this church will rise in power

From her careless sleep.

Break our pride, expose our sin, Raise the dead to life again, Teach us, Lord, to weep.

Why do we not see your hand Move in power across our land?

Have we quenched your Spirit?

Tell me if I am at the cause Where I’ve failed to keep your laws

Give me grace to hear it.

Help the preacher preach the Word Until everyone has heard

Of transforming grace.

Help the elders teach and pray Putting pettiness away

Till we see your face.

Purify our heart’s desire Cleanse us with your holy fire Help us trust you wholly.

Burn away the carnal dross Show us how to bear the cross As we love you solely.

Laying down our life is gain When we share with you your pain

For this generation.

We have holy work to do Being witnesses for you, This is our vocation.




Revival cannot be organized, but we can set our sails to catch

the wind from heaven when God chooses to

blow upon his people once again.  —G. Campbell Morgan




point to ponder What would it take for the Body of Christ in America to experience revival? Remember, if we are content to live without revival, we will.


prayer focus To respond to God’s wake up call and not keep him at arms’ length out of complacency or comfort.

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