Scripture reading: Psalm 69
The Pit
I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. (Psalm 40:1–2)
A man was walking in a field one day and fell into a pit. It was a deep pit, and he could not get out. So the man sat down in the dirt to see what would happen.
A realist happened to be walking by and, looking down at the man in the pit, said, “That’s some pit.” But he kept on walking. An optimist came by and said to the man in the hole, “Well, it could be worse. At least it’s not raining.” And he too kept walking. A little later a pragmatist walked by and said out loud to no one in particular, “Someone should have put a fence around this pit.” But he too kept on moving.
A philosopher realized what had happened and was so concerned that he went back to his study and began writing a two-volume work entitled “Pits and the Human Condition.” A sociologist walking in the field was so taken by the plight of the man that he conducted a survey to discover how many others had fallen into similar pits. A politician was so moved with compassion he went back to Washington and formed a task force to study pits.
A lawyer tossed his professional card to the man in the pit saying, “Your situation is obviously a case of criminal negligence. Call me, and we will sue the owner of this pit for not erecting warning signs.” A doctor tossed in a bottle of medication saying simply, “Take two tablets and call me in the morning.” A psychologist walking by paused and sat down on the edge of the pit, put his chin in his hand and with his most empathetic voice said, “Tell me how you feel about being in the pit.”
A Muslim said sternly to the man in the pit, “Submit to the will of Allah.” A Hindu walking by said to the man in the hole, “Your pit is an illusion.” A little later a Buddhist came by and stood over the pit long enough to explain to the man that his real problem was not the pit but his desire to get out of the pit. “If you cease your desire to get out, you will cease from suffering, and you’ll experience Nirvana.” But he too kept walking.
A Presbyterian walking by explained to the man in the pit that he was predestined to be there. A Methodist told him that it was because of his own free will that he fell in. An Evangelical threw a tract to the man in the pit and said, “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.” A Charismatic gave the man some recorded praise music and told him, “Praise the Lord anyway.” But they all kept walking, leaving the man alone in his hole.
Finally, Jesus came by. Seeing the man in the pit, he was moved with compassion and went down into the pit and pulled him out!
Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words.
— attributed to Francis of Assisi
point to ponder • When you were in a pit, how did you get out?
prayer focus • For someone you know who is in a pit. Ask God what you can do to help.