
As Treasurer, you might think that all I do is pay the bills and make bank deposits. Thankfully, that is not the case. I love to read, cook, plant flowers and herbs, watch Ohio State football and make homemade cards. I teach 4th grade Sunday School, direct a handbell choir and sing soprano in an a capella choir. I also adore the Lowes’ paint color “crushed oregano,” though I have not convinced my husband to let me use it in our house yet. I grew up in Northeastern Ohio (Louisville, for those of you familiar with the area) and fled south to escape lake-effect snow and to attend Asbury College. After working several years for a foster care agency, I accepted the Treasurer position at FAS because I have a passion for non-profit accounting and for the role that good financial management and reporting can have in successful ministry. It is an honor to work with you to accomplish the Society’s work.

Contact Information

859-858-4222 (Office)
800-530-5673 (Toll-free)