Scripture reading: Philippians 2:14–18
The Forgotten Sin
The Lord has heard your grumbling that you grumble against him—what are we?
Your grumbling is not against us, but against the Lord. (Exodus 16:8)
It has been over fifty years now, and I still can’t get this crazy song out of my mind! Like a broken record, it keeps playing again and again and again. I was about five years old and my sister Vangie was seven. We were the “special music” for the Sunday evening service at Hillcrest Methodist Church in Macon, Georgia. It was our our mother’s idea and she directed our performance while playing the piano. Other details of the evening are fuzzy, but even after all these years that crazy song just won’t go away.
In country, town, or city some people can be found Who spend their lives in grumbling at everything around.
Oh yes, they always grumble no matter what we say
For these are chronic grumblers and they grumble night and day.
Oh, they grumble on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Grumble on Thursday too;
Grumble on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Grumble the whole week through.
They grumble in the city, they grumble on the farm, They grumble at their neighbors, they think it is no harm.
They grumble at their husbands, they grumble at their wives, They grumble at their children, but the grumbler never thrives.
They grumble when it’s raining, they grumble when it’s dry, And if the crops are failing, they grumble and they sigh. They grumble at low prices, and grumble when they’re high,
They grumble all the year round, and they grumble when they die.
They grumble at the preacher, they grumble at his prayer, They grumble at his preaching, they grumble everywhere;
They grumble at God’s people, and say ‘tis all display, But holy folks don’t grumble, they have only time to pray.
If you don’t quit your grumbling, and stop it now and here, You’ll never get to heaven, no grumblers enter there.
Repent and be converted, be saved from all your sin,
You know that grumbling Christians, find it hard a crown to win. (Thoro Harris)
I smile as I remember our little concert so many years ago and marvel that I can still remember most of the words. I suppose most adults present that night thought it was cute. But looking back at the words we sang, I realize what a powerful sermon we gave!
Do all things without grumbling. Why? You have a sovereign God who is on your side,
who works everything together for your good.—John Piper
point to ponder • Grumbling and complaining can keep you doing laps in the wilderness for forty years.
prayer focus • Ask God for help in learning how to be content.
read a few devotionals at friends house, found the online version. Would like a print copy if one available. Used would be fine. Have serious addiction & ungodly behavior & attitude to repent from & overcome. Thank you
Please send your mailing address and contact information to, and we’ll see if we can send you a copy of this devotional. Currently, it is out of stock. We hope to publish an updated edition in the next few months. —FAS