Scripture reading: James 3:1–12
The Power of Words
Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us . . . encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 12:24–25)
A group of frogs decided to have a contest: Who could reach the top of a very tall pole first? Because frogs are not particularly good climbers, the challenge was great. Several hundred curious spectators gathered to watch. Few believed that any frog could actually attain the summit.
The whistle blew and dozens of climbers began the ascent. Voices from the crowd made it clear to the frogs on the pole that expectations for success were low.
,. You guys are crazy!
,. How do you expect to succeed in such a difficult task?
,. You’ll never make it.
,. Why don’t you give it up?
Froggy feet are not well adapted to such attempts, and one by one the frogs began to quit. The climb was long and difficult, but it was the words from the crowd that were the real source of discouragement. The negativism from below was so disheartening to the climbers that thoughts of victory became almost impossible.
Finally, only one frog was left. Higher and higher he went. The negative voices from below didn’t seem to detract this fellow at all. He just wouldn’t give up. When he reached the top everyone clapped and cheered. Victory! But how did he do it? What made him different from the rest? This frog’s secret was discovered only when he came down and began to talk about his victory with those below. People then realized why he had won: He was deaf!
Today you are going to interact with someone who feels like quitting. Some great goal is before them, but it just seems so impossible. They are tired and want to give up. The only voices they hear are those that tell them how unlikely they are to succeed. But this person is not deaf. And the words sting.
Listen closely! Your words can make all the difference! A word fitly spoken can transform someone’s ability to run the race and reach the prize. This is not some psychological gimmick or an exercise in the power of positive mental attitude. This is a command of God. Don’t miss the opportunity to encourage someone today.
Proverbs 18:21 tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue. Today, use yours wisely!
Remember that the tongue speaks only what is in the heart.—Theodore Epp
point to ponder • In the beginning was the Word.
prayer focus • For sensitivity towards those who cross your path today, that your words will be gracious, encouraging, and life-giving.