Scripture reading: Mark 1:16–20
Follow the Leader
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. (I Corinthians 11:1)
When our girls were infants I learned rather quickly the limitations involved in giving direct commands. “Go clean your room.” Even when they try their best, toddlers can only respond with mediocre success. However, if I modeled the behavior I was seeking, the results improved dramatically. “Come on, girls; Daddy is going to help you clean your rooms!” Amazing! When I showed them what I wanted, they performed with excellence. The moral of the story is this: When it comes to influencing behavior, “Do as I do” works a whole lot better than “Do as I say.” Of course, this principle holds true in the spiritual life as well. God’s children need more than exhortations to godliness thundered from a pulpit. They need models and examples!
Dwight L. Moody (1837–1899) was unquestionably one of the greatest Christians in the history of the church. His preaching brought tens of thousands into the Kingdom, and his godly influence continues to be felt even today. One of his closest colleagues and friends was R. A. Torrey. Not long after Moody’s death, Torrey preached a famous sermon in which he asked: Why did God use a man like Moody? What was the secret of his godly influence? How was it that Moody had the power of God so wonderfully manifested in his life? Torrey answered these questions by highlighting seven reasons for Moody’s godly life:
- He was a fully surrendered Moody was imperfect and had defects in his character. But his commitment to the Lord Jesus was total!
- He was a man of prayer. Everything he undertook was backed up by prayer. In everything, his ultimate dependence was on
- He was a deep and practical student of the He rose every day at four in the morning to study the Word of God.
- He was a humble He loved to put himself in the background and put others in the foreground.
- He was entirely free from the love of money. He could have been a wealthy man from the sale of books and But no. While he loved to collect money for the work of God, he refused to accumulate money for himself.
- He had a consuming passion for the salvation of the lost. Shortly after his con- version, Moody promised God that he would never let a day pass without speaking to at least one person about his soul.
- He had a definite infilling of the Holy Spirit. Early in his ministry, he worked largely in the energy of the flesh. But a moment came when he was filled with the Holy Spirit and that moment made all the difference in his future ministry.
The purpose of Torrey’s sermon was not to glorify D. L. Moody but rather to challenge a new generation of Christians to imitate his example. Torrey explained: “I hope to make it clear that the God who used D. L. Moody in his day is just as ready to use you and me, in this day, if we, on our part, do what D. L. Moody did.”
Though Moody preached many sermons exhorting people to godly living, it was the example of his life that will remain forever his greatest impact. So, why are you just sitting there? Follow his example!
We are the Bibles the world is reading; we are the creeds the world is needing;
we are the sermons the world is heeding.—Billy Graham
point to ponder • Jesus not only commanded us to be holy; he also showed us how.
prayer focus • For God’s wisdom and discernment, and for strength to persevere.