Scripture reading: Matthew 14:22–23
Call 911!
A Personal Paraphrase of Psalm 69
O Lord, help! I’m in a muddy pit and the water is up to my neck! I’ve cried for help until I am hoarse.
I’ve prayed everyday and looked for you to come . . . Where are you, God?
Those who are angry at me are more numerous than I can count.
They claim that I’ve hurt them, taken from them what is rightfully theirs. But Lord, how can I give back what I did not steal?
My own family and my own team treat me like an outsider, an alien.
It doesn’t take a high IQ to see the shortcomings and flaws in my leadership. There’s no secret about that!
But Lord, I’ve never had malevolent intent in my actions toward any of them.
Lord, your reputation is at stake in what happens to me.
I’m only in this situation because I’ve tried to follow your will. It is my passion for your work that caused all this, Lord.
Is it wrong to be consumed with zeal for you and doing what is right? Those around me think I’m just weird, fanatical, a zealot;
They no longer take me seriously. They dismiss me, ignore me.
They talk about me among themselves behind my back . . . some make jokes.
But Lord, this isn’t about me. It’s about you! Your reputation is at stake. Those who see my condition may conclude that you are not worthy of trust! They may think you are unable to take care of your own.
So come through for me, Lord. Where else can I go?
I know you are faithful, loving and always do what is right.
At just the right time you will come to my rescue and pull me out of this pit. But Lord, please come soon.
I know that you have permitted all these calamities to come upon me. Those around me know this too.
So why do they kick me when I am already down?
At first, I looked to them for comfort. I thought they would show pity and compassion.
But instead they put poison in my food and vinegar in my drink. I don’t know how to respond to this, Lord.
So just deal with them as you see fit.
Here’s my bottom line, Lord: I trust you to take care of me. I will praise your holy Name.
Yes, I will give thanks to you even before my deliverance is complete. This will please you more than a burnt offering on your altar.
And let those who are humble and seek your face be encouraged and revived! Let them know without a doubt that you hear the cry of those in need.
The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning
of faith is the end of anxiety.—George Müller
point to ponder • When you are in a crisis, whom do you call first?
prayer focus • For that person you know who is in a desperate situation.