Scripture reading: Psalm 23
In His Grip
I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. (Philippians 3:12. NIV)
“Hold Papa’s hand while we cross the street. There’s lots of traffic and
you need to hold on tight.”
I stood with my three-year-old grandson on the curb of a busy inter- section. As the light turned green, I extended my index finger and Jaden wrapped his stubby little fingers around my big one. But as we stepped into the street, I felt his grip weaken as his attention wandered to the trucks, buses and motorcycles all around us. Before I realized it, he had let go and was lagging behind.
“No, Jaden! Hold my hand. This is dangerous.”
Dutifully he grasped my finger again. But after a few steps, he let go as he bent over to examine a flattened bottle cap lying in the crosswalk. My voice was stern as I spoke again, loud enough to be heard above the traffic: “Jaden! Hold on!” Obediently, he wrapped his fingers once again around my finger, but as we stepped onto the opposite curb, he stumbled. Trying hard to hold on, his little legs found it difficult to negotiate such a big step.
By this point I realized my mistake. Rather than expecting him to hold my hand, I decided to hold his. In what must have felt to Jaden like a vice grip, I wrapped my hand around his entire forearm and held tight. The remainder of our stroll down that busy sidewalk went smoothly as we both discovered the difference between his grip . . . and mine.
What about you? Have you discovered the difference between your grip on Christ and Christ’s grip on you? Paul talks about the two grips in Philippians 3:12: I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Both grips are important. But Paul knew which grip came first. And he had no illusions about which grip really mattered.
Do you find yourself in a place where you seem to be stumbling? Is your attention wandering as you focus on the seductive attractions of this world? Is it possible that the bumps along the journey of life have caused you to loosen your grip on Christ? Does it seem you are standing all alone in the midst of a dangerous inter- section and you don’t know what to do? I have good news. Your hold on him may waver, but his hold on you is as strong as steel. His grip accomplishes what your grip can’t. If we are faithless, he remains faithful (II Timothy 2:13).
Maybe you’ve been trying too hard. Maybe you’ve begun to believe the lie that your salvation depends upon your grip upon him. Relax. Trust him. Let his mighty grip reassure you of his mighty love. He never lets go!
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand (John 10:27–28).
Work as if everything depended upon your work, and pray as if
everything depended upon your prayer.—William Booth
point to ponder • Is your trust today in your hold on God or his hold on you?
prayer focus • For a sense of God’s mighty hand keeping you safe in his grasp. He never lets go!