Scripture reading: Ephesians 5:1–21

Doing the Walk

Enoch walked with God. (Genesis 5:22, 24)


Nothing describes the essence of biblical religion more than the call to walk with God. And no one illustrates this better than Enoch. His life story is told in just four short verses (Genesis 5:21–24), and yet his example illuminates the entire biblical drama. Though Enoch’s life was short compared to that of his contemporaries (he lived only 365 years), his impact for good was infinitely greater. What made the difference? Not his education, abilities, good looks, family, wealth or connections. Only one thing distinguished Enoch from everyone else: he walked with God.

,. It was a distinctive walk. In a long and monotonous genealogical list of names (Genesis 5), Enoch stands out from all the rest. For others in the list, the only thing we are told is that Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, and Methuselah lived a long time, had children and died. That’s it. But Enoch was different. He walked with God. And like Noah (Genesis 6:9) and Abraham (Genesis 17:1), this made his life impact human history!

,. It was a sanctifying walk. When Adam sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, he was terrified at the thought of walking with God. So when God came for their evening stroll, Adam hid among the trees of the garden (Genesis 3:8). When we walk with God, we cannot walk with sin. The one walk nullifies the other. This explains why God said to Abraham, Walk before me and be blameless (Genesis 17:1).

,. It was an intimate walk. Can two walk together unless they are agreed? (Amos 3:3). The reason Jesus gave the all-encompassing invitation “Follow me” was so that he could establish friendship with those he came to save. Christianity is a relationship long before it is a religion. The only way to know God is to walk with  him.

,. It was an adventurous walk. Doing the walk will lead you to places of mind-expanding discovery, heart-throbbing beauty, and white-knuckled adventure. No one suffers from boredom when they walk with God. Peter even got to walk on water! So come on, get out of the boat and get started! No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has even imagined the things God has prepared for those who love him (I Cor. 2:9).

,. It was a homeward walk. When you walk with God there is a destination in mind. You aren’t walking in circles! He is leading you home. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him (Gen. 5:24). I imagine it this way: One day as they walked along God turned to Enoch and said, “Hey, we’re closer to my house now than we are to yours. Why don’t you just come on home with me?” And he did.

Over and over in the New Testament, we are invited to do the walk. “Follow me,” Jesus said (Matthew 4:19). And Paul often used this language when he spoke of Christian discipleship. Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called (Ephesians 4:1). The joy of salvation is discovered only as we step out by faith and walk with God.

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)


 fundamental mistake of the church today is that it takes as its basic goal to get as many people as possible ready to die . . . it aims to get people into heaven rather than to get heaven into people . . . They have found ways of being “Christian” without being Christlike.  —Dallas Willard


point to ponder Is the Christian life a destination or a journey?

prayer focus For someone you know who is no longer walking with Jesus.

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