Scripture reading: Ephesians 5:15–20
Memo to Self: Praise the Lord!
A Personal Paraphrase of Psalm 103
So I preached myself a sermon:
“Self, you just need to praise the Lord. Stop whining and give God thanks for all he has done during all of your life. And do it all the time. Yes, praise him with your entire being: from the tip of your head to the soles of your feet. What’s your problem anyway? Are you suffering from amnesia? Have you for- gotten the many ways he has lavished love on you? He forgave all your sins. He healed you all those times you were sick. He rescued you time after time from ‘impossible’ situations. He treated you like royalty, crowning you with his love and mercy. He satisfied the deepest longings of your soul . . . again and again and again. He gave you a second chance . . . and a third . . . and a fourth. Each new start made you feel like a teenager again. You stretched your wings and soared like an eagle. So, what’s wrong with you, Self? Have you forgotten God? Wake up and remember!”
Guess what? I actually listened to my own sermon! I began to think clearly again and see things in their proper perspective.
What God revealed about himself many years ago to Moses and the Israelites when they left Egypt for the Promised Land is true. God is great, God is good. Every- thing he does, even when it doesn’t seem like it at first, is just and loving. He is infinitely merciful and full of grace. He has a long fuse. When he does get angry, it’s only for a short while. He doesn’t give us what we deserve or pay us back for all those times we’ve ignored him or disobeyed his commandments. His love is bigger than the ocean and taller than the heavens. And when he forgives our sins, he buries them so deep in the earth that no one is able to dig them up again . . . ever! He’s like a daddy who loves his children with all his heart; he is quick to forgive and always ready to welcome them into his arms. You see, he created us. He knows that we’re made of dirt! Therefore, you can be sure he is understanding and tender when it comes to dealing with our sins.
We’re like wild flowers in a field; here today, gone tomorrow. But though we may wither and vanish, God’s love for us never does! He loved us before we arrived on this earth and he will love us after we’re gone. In fact, he promises to love our children too . . . and even our grandchildren! But remember, these marvelous promises are not for just anybody. They are only for those who have been reborn into his covenant family and who live lives that are pleasing to him.
Yes, God rules! His Kingdom is now . . . here . . . forever . . . whether we realize it or not!
“So Self, put an end to your pity party and start praising the Lord. The angels in heaven do this all the time. In fact, the entire created order (mountains, oceans, birds, fish, animals, etc.) does it constantly. So join in the chorus, Self, and praise him with all your heart!”
There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world
that is not intended to make us rejoice.—John Calvin
point to ponder • Can you praise the Lord even when circumstances are hard?
prayer focus • That God would open your eyes to see his sovereign rule in your life.