Scripture reading: Matthew 19:16–30
The Missing Piece Explains
the Missing Peace
What do I still lack? (Matthew 19:20)
During the Christmas holidays our family often puts together a jigsaw puzzle. We spread the pieces out on the coffee table and whenever people choose, they assemble a piece or two here and a piece or two there. A few years ago our project was a 500-piece puzzle of the Chateau of Chenonceau in France. For days we worked, piece by piece, until it was finally finished. But after all that work we discovered that one piece was missing! We looked everywhere. We never found it. Gazing at our finished picture, all we could see was that one gaping, glaring hole. We had 499 pieces impressively joined together, but that one missing piece ruined the whole thing!
The New Testament introduces us to a man we have come to know as “the rich young ruler.” Everything about him was impressive. He was youthful, wealthy and powerful. He knew his Bible and was zealous about obeying the commandments. He “ran up and knelt” before Jesus (Mark 10:17). What an extraordinary young man! He had 499 pieces of life already figured out. Yet something was missing. “What do I still lack?” he asked. It was the right question, and it was asked to the right person. Jesus said, If you would be perfect [complete], go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me (Matthew 19:21).
We can debate how people today should apply Jesus’ command to “sell all and follow me,” but it is clear that Jesus is calling the rich young ruler and us to a life of full surrender and total consecration. Giving Christ 99% is simply not sufficient. Jesus will either be Lord of all or not Lord at all.
,. Total surrender is not optional. There is a rumor going around that you don’t have to be fully devoted to Jesus to be one of his disciples. Many would have us believe that if we get 499 pieces of the puzzle in place, that is enough. Jesus said, “Anyone of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:33).
,. Total surrender is the only way to live a life that matters. Though this young man was rich and powerful he squandered his life. He chose to hold on to earthly stuff rather than to gain heavenly treasure. He passed up the opportunity to follow Christ so that he could invest his life in things that don’t really matter. Only full surrender to Jesus Christ makes it possible to live in a way that makes an eternal difference!
,. Total surrender leads to joy. This young man refused Jesus’ call to radical discipleship and “went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions” (Matthew 19:22). The only way to absolute joy is through absolute surrender. My all for his all! Fanny Crosby put this blessed reality to music when she sang: Perfect submission, perfect delight, visions of rapture now burst on my sight.
What about you? Is something missing? If you are lacking inner peace, the problem is likely the missing piece: full, absolute, and total surrender to Jesus Christ.
The condition for obtaining God’s full blessing is absolute surrender to him.
—Andrew Murray
point to ponder • Until we surrender our all we cannot trust Christ to give us his all.
prayer focus • Meditate on what it means to give Jesus your all. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any missing pieces.