scripture reading: Psalm 2

Election Results

A Personal Paraphrase of Psalm 2

Why are people so agitated and upset?

What is the cause of all this frenzied anger and rebellion?

Politicians, celebrities, educators and business leaders are all in on the conspiracy; They are passionately working together, making their plans . . . against God! Yes, that’s right. They are plotting and scheming against the sovereign Lord, And against the Anointed One he has placed on his throne!

“We don’t want you to rule over us anymore,” they shout in unison. “Let’s get rid of God and all his confining rules. We’re taking control.

We want our freedom!”

 The Lord looks down from heaven and just laughs.

He is amused at the pompous audacity of these nitwits and nincompoops Who actually think they can ignore his Sovereign reign over all the earth. But then his amusement turns to anger. In thunderous fury he speaks.

Mincing no words he gets right to the point:

“I have established my King and already he is ruling on his throne.”

Then the Messiah, the one on the throne, spoke: “The Most High God placed me here and made me King.

I did not seek this royal position for myself. He put me here. What’s more, he is my Father and I am his Son, his only Son.

In fact, today is my birthday. Every day is my birthday!

And as a gift, my Father has promised to give me whatever I desire. So I asked him for the nations, all of them . . . especially yours! Yes, my Father is giving the entire world to me as an inheritance.

But the gift comes at great cost to those who oppose him and his Anointed One!

For all rebel leaders and those aligned with their politics, God has fixed a day of wrath and doom.

He will beat them to powder with an iron rod.

He will shatter them like one who breaks a vessel of pottery.”

Therefore, hear this all you in league with those opposed to God’s Messiah: Be wise and be warned; before it is too late.

Bow down before the Anointed One.

Serve your true King with sanctified trembling. Kiss the Son!

Otherwise, God will be angry at you! And no one can survive his wrath.

Stop your rebellious ways and serve your King . . . and do it now!

You never know at what moment his wrath will be kindled.

And when judgment falls, only those who take refuge in him will be safe.


That which man builds man destroys, but the city of God is built by God 

and cannot be destroyed by man.  —Augustine





point to ponder God laughs at the world’s politics and all worldly notions of governmental power.


prayer focus Mayors, governors, presidents and kings.

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