Scripture reading: I Thessalonians 4:3–8
The Sin We Love to Hate
Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality . . . will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
(I Corinthians 6:9–11)
In The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis describes a man’s struggle and ultimate victory over the sin of lust. This poor soul is a citizen of hell yet has the incredible opportunity to take a bus tour of heaven. The ravages of sin and guilt have destroyed his body so that he is little more than a ghost. On his shoulder sits a red lizard which represents the conquest of unrestrained passions let loose in his life. Upon arrival in heaven the passengers are greeted by an angelic being who welcomes them to the realms of Light. Seeing the man with the red lizard on his shoulder, the fiery angel immediately offers to set him free from the tyranny of sin’s control.
“Would you like me to make him quiet?” said the flaming Spirit . . .” Of course I would,” said the Ghost. “Then I will kill him,” said the angel, taking a step forward. “Oh—ah—look out! You’re burning me. Keep away,” said the Ghost, retreating. “Don’t you want him killed?” “You didn’t say anything about killing him at first. I hardly meant to bother you with anything so drastic as that.” “It’s the only way,” said the angel, whose burning hands were now very close to the lizard. “Shall I kill it?” . . . “Well, there’s time to discuss that later.” “There is no time. May I kill it?” . . .” Look! It’s gone to sleep of its own accord. I’m sure it’ll be all right now. Thanks ever so much.” “May I kill it?” “Honestly, I don’t think there’s the slightest necessity for that. I’m sure I shall be able to keep it in order now. I think the gradual process would be far better than killing it.” “The gradual process is of no use at all” . . .
“Get back! You’re burning me. How can I tell you to kill it? You’d kill me if you did.” “It is not so.” “Why, you’re hurting me now.” “I never said it wouldn’t hurt you. I said it wouldn’t kill you” . . .”Blast you! Go on can’t you? Get it over. Do what you like,” bellowed the ghost: but ended, whimpering, “God help me. God help me.” Next moment the ghost gave a scream of agony such as I never heard on Earth. The Burning One closed his crimson grip on the reptile: twisted it, while it bit and writhed, and then flung it, broken backed, on the turf. . . .
Amazingly, once the lizard was killed two transformations began to occur simultaneously! The ghost became a glorious and radiant angelic being, and the lizard became a silvery white stallion. Now freed from the tyranny of sin’s control, the new-made man leaped on the horse’s back, took the reins and rode off toward the Kingdom of God.
Friend, if you find yourself living with passions and lusts that are out-of-control (sex, food, drugs, cutting, porn, video games, etc.), Jesus Christ wants to break the power of sin in your life and set you free. He can. And he will if you give him permission. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (John 8:36).
The battles for the management of self—who’s in charge—are won on these small playing fields. Say no or yes to the little things and you set the stage for the day when you’ll need the courage and the wisdom to say yes or no to the bigger things. —George Macdonald
point to ponder • Do you control your passions, or do your passions control you?
prayer focus • Those struggling with sexual addiction.