Scripture reading: II Samuel 23:8–39

David’s Mighty Men

But the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. (Daniel 11:32 KJV)

Perhaps the part of the Bible that most resembles the sports page of the newspaper is II Samuel 23:8–39. While some women may find this passage tedious, most males come alive when they read of the
exploits of David’s Mighty Men. To be a member of David’s Special Forces Unit was the highest honor in the land. Every mother prayed that her son might one day be worthy of membership, and every boy growing up in Israel imagined what it would be like to be named in David’s Hall of Fame. But how did one become a member of such a team? What was required? To be included in this elite band of brothers, one had to:

,. Join the king’s army. To be in the Elite Forces one had to first be in the army! And this never happened by chance. No one was in this unit because they were drafted. A decision was required. Originally, David’s soldiers appeared to be a bunch of losers: those in distress or in debt or discontented (I Samuel 22:2). But all were there because they chose to be! They made a decision to identify their interests with those of the king’s.
,. Imitate the king’s character. David had a heart like God’s heart (I Samuel 13:14). He fought God’s battles, not his own. God’s enemies were his enemies. David’s passion was not to expand his own personal kingdom and glory, but God’s! To be one of David’s Mighty Men meant that you had a heart like his, too.
,. Trust the king’s resources. For much of his life David was hunted like a criminal. While the powerful army of King Saul sought to destroy him, David had nothing and no one to rely on except God. I call to the Lord who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies (Psalm 18:2). To be a Mighty Man meant that you trusted God alone, the same way David did.
,. Do exploits. To become a Mighty Man of David had nothing to do with education, family ties, wealth, popularity, looks, or talents, but everything to do with performing some heroic act (an exploit). David set the standard high when he killed Goliath (I Samuel 17). To be in his Special Forces meant that you had accomplished a God-sized mission too! Josheb-Basshebeth killed eight hundred men in one encounter. Eleazar taunted the Philistines and remained immovable in battle until his hand froze to his sword. Shammah took his stand in a field of lentils during a battle with the Philistines and never gave up an inch. Abishi killed three hundred Philistines with his spear. And Benaiah went in a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion (II Samuel 23:8–23).

Men of God, don’t just sit there. Turn off the TV and go find some evil giant to fight. Take on a God-sized task and do some exploit for your king!

Rise up, O men of God!
Have done with lesser things,
Give heart and soul and mind and strength To serve the King of kings.

Rise up, O men of God!
The Church for you doth wait; Her strength unequal to her task; Rise up, and make her great! (William P. Merrill)

Some of my best men are women.
—william booth,
founder of the Salvation Army

point to ponder • Why are churches today often seen as places for women and children but not for men?

prayer focus • That God would raise up a new generation of godly men.

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