Scripture reading: Acts 20:28–35

Voices and Choices

So I exhort the elders . . . shepherd the flock of God that is among you . . . not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you.” (I Peter 5:1–2)

These voices, these voices disturbing my sleep,
They trouble my conscience, they cause me to weep.
Whenever these voices pierce deep in my heart,
I think that my soul will be ripped all apart.

The voices of children, some hungry, some cold;
The pleas of the broken, the young and the old.
They’re calling and beckoning; “Please, will you come?”
O God, my heart is so callous and numb.

And late in the night, things are not what they seem,
The evening is tranquil . . . but then, in a dream
The voices return and my peace is all shattered,
The cries of the lost leave me broken and battered.

How I hate these haunting voices Pressing me with awful choices. So dear Father, this I pray: Make these voices go away!

In infinite wisdom, God answered my prayer;
But not as expected—dear reader, beware!
He taught me how He learned to deal with the lost:
He came and He gave—O at what cost!

And this was the answer that He spoke to me,
To help me to cope with the world’s misery:
His Voice was assertive, He spoke clear and slow,
The message was only one word—He said “Go!”

At first I was sure I had misunderstood,
For sometimes my hearing isn’t so good.
“O Lord, did I hear You just moments ago?
What’s that You said?” Again He said, “Go!”

His word like a beacon shone into my heart
Exposing hypocrisy in every part.
He heard my confession, then lifted my head
And gave me the power to do what He said.

And now when the voices return in the night,
And trouble my sleep and fill me with fright;
I simply surrender my life and my all
In service to others obeying His call.

How I love these hallowed voices,
Pressing me with blessed choices.
So dear Father, this I pray:
Take my life and guide my way.

Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to get food.—D. T. Niles

point to ponder • Do I see the needs and sufferings of people around me as a nuisance or as a calling?

prayer focus • Those whom God has called, that they would have the hearts of a pastor-shepherd.

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