Scripture reading: Hebrews 11:32–40 A Life That Matters For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that he may strongly
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/09
Scripture reading: Hebrews 12:18–29 Are You Combustible? The god who answers by fire—he is God. (I Kings 18:24) Over and over again in the
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/08
Scripture reading: Acts 5:27–42 How Would Jesus Vote? Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. (Mark
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/07
Scripture reading: Isaiah 11:6–9 The War To End All Wars What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/06
Scripture reading: Psalm 33:1–22 The Big If A Meditation on II Chronicles 7:14 O Lord, it’s election time again. Though I’ve voted many times before,
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/05
Scripture reading: Romans 12:1–2 The Examined Life You shall love the Lord your God with all your . . . mind. (Matthew 22:37) Socrates said,
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/4
scripture reading: Psalm 2 Election Results A Personal Paraphrase of Psalm 2 Why are people so agitated and upset? What is the cause of all
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/3
scripture reading: Acts 8:26–40 Water Works You know, even though God waited patiently all the days that Noah built his ship, only a few were
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/2
scripture reading: I Corinthians 9:19–22 Who Cares? Don’t you care if we drown? (Mark 4:38) Salvation Army founder William Booth (1829–1912) had a burning passion
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 11/01
Scripture reading: John 1:9–13 The Gospel in Four Words . . . until Christ is formed in you! (Galatians 4:19) Imagine a person coming to