scripture reading: Revelation 2:1–7 Are You Thirsty? And Isaac dug again the wells of water that had been dug in the days of Abraham his
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Sscripture reading: Matthew 27:15–26 For Me God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
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scripture reading: Luke 12:13–21 What’s in a Name? But God said to him, “You fool!” (Luke 12:20) My mother taught me to not call people
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scripture reading: Romans 6:15–23 Free Indeed! Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin . . . So
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 9/06
scripture reading: Ezekiel 34:1–16 The Fire House For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. (Luke 19:10) Once upon
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 9/05
scripture reading: Luke 14:25–33 Counting the Cost If you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it
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scripture reading: Mark 9:33–37 Ta-Ta-Ta-Tum Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(Matthew 5:3) Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is one of
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scripture reading: Matthew 24:1–44 Save the Date? Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. (Matthew 25:13) Remember when radio preacher Harold
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 9/02
scripture reading: John 13:1–17 Sweet Will of God Whatever he says to you, do it. (John 2:5) At the wedding banquet in Cana, Jesus’ mother
FACE TO FACE: Intimate Moments with God 9/01
scripture reading: I Kings 17:1–7 The Raven1 imaginary meditation by the prophet Elijah, lonely, depressed, hungry, and full of doubts, as he sat by the